호텔&비즈니스 경영

Swiss Hospitality & The US Business management

Hotel & Business Management
Hotel Institute Montreux
특화된 비즈니스 경영 전공

Hospitality with Specializations

The Business of Hospitality
Finance, Marketing & Human Resource
Hotel Institute Montreux
Create Your Future Career

Prepare for Your Professional Inight
HIM 몽트르 캠퍼스
Bringing the industry to the classroom

실제 산업현장과 같은 클래스

Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, John Paul, Hublot ...
Hotel Institute Montreux
누군가의 도전, 내것이 되다!

Global Alumni Network

Your Future Career Pathways
Hotel Institute Montreux
호텔&비즈니스 경영

Swiss Hospitality & US Business Management

Hotel & Business Management
Hotel Institute Montreux
특화된 호텔 & 비즈니스 경영 전공

Hospitality with Specializations

Finance, Marketing & Human Resource
The Business of Hospitality
Hotel Institute Montreux
Create Your Future Career

Hotel & Business Management
HIM 몽트르 캠퍼스
Bringing the Industry to the Classroom

실제 산업현장과 같은 클래스

Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, John Paul, Hublot ...
Hotel Institute Montreux
누군가의 도전, 내것이 되다!

Global Alumni Network

Your Future Career Pathways
Hotel Institute Montreux

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